Technical data index
Units conversion values used:
The coal used for tests was 7,000 calories per kilogram.
NOTE: All tractive effort and power output values given
here as well as other performance data are always effectively
measured values instead of the more common theoretical
enhanced" PACIFICS - xx units, P.O. 38xx then
S.N.C.F. 4 - 231 J xx
First series of 4 8 0 - 12 units. P.O. 4701 - 4712, then P.O. - Midi 240 - 701 to 240 - 712, at last S.N.C.F. 4 - 231 A 701 to 240 A 712
Second series of 4 8 0 - 25 units S.N.C.F. 5 - 240 P 1 to 240 P 25
S.N.C.F. 4 - 160 A 1, 6 cylinders 2 12 0 prototype
S.N.C.F. 3 - 242 A 1, three cylinders 4 8 4
S.N.C.F. 3 - 141 E 113 MIKADO single expansion, ex- 3 - 141 C 113 "Chapelonized"
S.N.C.F. 5 - 140 J 153 single expansion, unbelievable last work of Chapelon for the S.N.C.F., the "biological" mother of "Red Devil".
2-8-4 and 4-8-4 built for the D.N.E.F.
by the G.E.L.S.A.
1997, 98, 99, 2000 by T. Stora. All rights reserved. Reproduction, translation, total or partial on any media absolutely forbidden without preliminary permission and agreement.