Just the beginning of a list of a few links,
classified alphabetically by topics that interest
me for reasons as various as the topics are!
Facel Vega Homepage, or when french
industry knew how to build automobiles, not cars. Wonderful souvenirs of
some kilometers in a HK500, many years ago.
AUDIO: I believe as much in future potential reintroduction of steam
engines in general - not only locomotives - because of their intrinsic
qualities that audio amplification domain belongs to tubes systems for
the same reason (intrinsic qualities).
HISTORICAL: At first were radio sets...
For those believing that tubes are things of past, have a look at
the NASA recent
tubes orders!! And look!! Some of these items were designed in
the mid thirties!!!
The Sci.Repair.Faq Home page. HIGHLY
SUGGESTED to anyone looking to repair his VCR, the T.V. set broken by childrens
or a faulty CD-ROM drive. But you always need first a soldering iron and
a good multimeter as well as good habits and good manual skill!
Also very interesting laser equipment description and experiments for hobbyists,
excellents links to other electronic related sites. A MUST!
Radiospares: More than 88,000 items
in stock; Great, even if the prices are rather high. Excellent service.
English site available.
Links: An amazing page of links
very interesting for any technology addict as well as for other kind of
addicts... Discover the MUSCLE
CAR MANIA'S LINKS PAGE, "Tons of links from alternative energy, aircraft,
boats, autos, ufo, space and science, medical, architecture, robot, ham,
government & medical links, over 3000 interesting links!". That's what
the author says. Some dead links.

My relationship with them is very similar with
the one I have with steam in general. Also, sorry, only REAL MOTORCYCLES
related links here!
OWNERS CLUB - Homage, my beloved mount is a "special brew" featherbed
based 750 c.c. café racer I built in 1975, hope to use it forever!
Norton International (Home Page), Cheers, brave British! The OLDEST
motorcycle brand surviving in the world - 100 years in '98! And sincerely
the most usable online catalog fore spare parts orders I've used. Congratulations
to developers.
Engineering - The Sunbeam Specialists They allow to the few owners
of those rare machines to keep them on the road since 1960. Enthusiastic
buisness. My second mount (I'm actually restoring it after 25 years
of happy ownership).
After dealing with André Chapelon, further tribute
to visionary engineering causes.
Britten Motorcycle Page. My opinion is that it is really a nice piece
of end of the 20th century engineering. Hope the machine and company will
survive to his creator. A perfect example of old concepts (dating from
the late XIXth century, this remark concerning both cyclepart and engine
of the Britten's) made feasible only a few years ago, thanks to very recent
materials associated with C.N.C. tools!
The Vincent-HRD Home Page.
Same comment about engineering that for Richard BRITTEN except for period
(forties), the most technically advanced motorcycle of the time, and I
think that people with some technical background will understand why us
French say "La vie est un éternel recommencement", lit. tr.:
"Life is an eternal new beginning", comparing these two winner designs.
Cramer's MOTORCYCLE WEB INDEX, The most really comprehensive index
available today, a link for every brand,even the oldest, rarest, smallest...
Up to those latest "Honkasuziwada", you know, this Japanese two
wheels rocketship whose top speed can only be compared to the speed of
light... The guy behind the site seems fun also.
Of course, please feed me back with deads links.

1997 -
2002 by T. Stora. All rights reserved. Reproduction, translation, total
or partial on any media absolutely forbidden without preliminary permission
and agreement.