Historically important compound locomotives

Early compounds:

The 701 Nord, 4 cylinders 2 -4-0 (or 2-2-2-0, as the H.P. and L.P. driving axles are uncoupled), first successful attempt of compound system in France in 1886 by Alfred de Glehn... Withdrawn 701 in Douai, 1933. Photo Fenino.

Followed in 1887 by the Mogul #3101 (renumbered 3.395), Nord also. First 3 cylinders compound. Fitted at first with a Meyer valve gear. 3101 alias 3.395 again seen just after the WW I in the depot of Creil.

The world famous Alfred de Glehn's Atlantics

Designed by de Glehn on the directives of Gaston du Bousquet in 1900. During test, one of these has reached 96 mph (154kph) on a slope of .5% working 180 tons. They allowed the Nord to be one of the first of the world for the average speed of its fast trains from 1902.

Alfred de Glhen's Atlantic of the Cie. du Nord.  Restored in the museum of Mulhouse.   This unit had been fitted with a water tubes boiler "du Temple" and a trailing truck (becoming thus a 4-4-4). Has reached 106 mph in the slope of Survilliers.

Even the GWR bought 2 de Glhen's Atlantics, ...

...and the P.R.R., 1.

P.O. version


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